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Welcome back! Attendance Matters!

Posted Date: 8/26/24 (4:27 PM)

Attendance is key!
MIT Academy High School
Attendance Matters
Welcome back to school!
Dear Parent/Guardian:
The school year has just begun, and I want to welcome you as our partner in your child’s education. We value, appreciate, and seek out your involvement and collaboration for the success of your child. We are asking all parents/guardians to help us ensure the regular, on-time attendance of their children at school. We monitor attendance closely because research has shown that regular attendance is vital for the success of children in school. Our goal is to have all children present in school every day and on time. Our district’s policy is that we may require verification of absences due to illness or quarantine, if your child has missed school for three consecutive days. Please be aware that going “out of town” when school is in session with your child is an unexcused absence. I look forward to working with you in a meaningful partnership for your child.
California Law & Attendance
California law states that absences are excused only if the child is ill or there is an excuse which meets the requirements of Education Code Section 48205. Even excused absences that cause your child to miss significant amounts of school can cause your child to fall behind in class.
Education Code Section 48260 defines a truant as a pupil who has missed more than 30 minutes on three days without valid excuse in one school year.
Our Policies
Student Handbook
Please review the student handbook pages 17-24 for more information on our attendance policies. Below are some highlights:

Absences can be verified five different ways:
We request that you only complete one of the below four options due to limited staff resources. Reporting an absence more than once may cause further backup. The Absence Report may not be used for Early Dismissals.

  1. 24-Hour Voicemail: (707) 552-6482 Option 7
  2. Send a note with your student upon return
  3. Online: Via ParentSquare
  4. Email: School Site Attendance Coordinator (
  5. In Person: Monday-Friday 7:45 am-3:00 pm

Absence reports must include the following information no matter what format you choose:
1. Date of Absence
2. Student’s Full Legal Name
3. Grade Level
4. Date of Birth
5. Parent/Guardian Name
6. Relationship to Student
7. Contact Phone Number
8. Contact Email Address
9. Reason for Absence

After 10 absences for illness that have been verified by a parent, a medical provider MUST verify any additional absences for illness. Note: Any absence for illness verified by a doctor’s note does not “count” against the 10 absences for illness.

Truancy or Unverified/Unexcused Absences
  1. Truant [Education Code 48260] – (Attendance Letter 1 – Warning): The student has been absent from school without a valid excuse. Any student absent more than 3 days (18 periods) with an unverified or an unexcused absence will receive this notice.
  2. Severe/Repeat Truant [Education Code 48261] – (Attendance Letter 2): Any student exceeding one additional school day (six more class periods, or a total of 24 periods) will receive a second letter and is in serious violation of state/school attendance policy. Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to contact staff as soon as possible to resolve any attendance issues.
  3. Habitual Truant [Education Code 48262] – Attendance Letter 3/Notification of Habitual Truancy: This notice is mailed after a student has accrued 30 class periods or one additional day from
Final notes
We at MIT Academy will work very hard with you to ensure that your child receives the best education possible. We are depending on you, and we want to thank you for entrusting us with your child. To provide your child with an outstanding education, your child must maintain excellent attendance. Linked HERE you will find a copy of this year’s school calendar to assist in your family’s scheduling. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at (707)552-6482.

Ms. Kelly Briggs
MIT Academy