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School Site Council

School Site Council (SSC)

By embracing a collaborative and inclusive decision-making process, our school committees stand as a cornerstone in fostering a dynamic educational environment that prioritizes student success and continuous improvement.

What is the School Site Council?

California Education Code 52852 requires that a School Site Council shall be established at each school that participates in Title I or LCFF supplemental/concentration grant funding.

The School Site Council is a team composed of the school principal, teachers, other staff and parents and/or community members and, in high schools’ students participate on the team.

School Site Council members are elected, with teachers electing teachers, parents electing parents, and students electing students.

Why serve on the School Site Council?

School Site Council members:

•  Participate in important decision making that can bring positive benefits to students

•  Represent the entire school community and take responsibility for the achievement of all students

• Learn about school governance and funding.

How can parents get involved?

•  Check with your school site for School Site Council meetings dates.

•  Attend the meetings.